ARA-102 Elementary Arabic II  -  Neller, Charlotte
ARA-204 Intermediate Arabic II  -  Neller, Charlotte
ASL-111 American Sign Language I  -  York, Terry L
ASL-112 American Sign Language II  -  STAFF
ASL-112 American Sign Language II  -  York, Terry L
CHI-102 Elem Chinese II (Test-Out)  -  Wang, Yabing
CHI-102 Elementary Chinese II  -  Wang, Yabing
CHI-204 Intermediate Chinese II  -  Wang, Yabing
CHI-302 Chinese Lit & Composition  -  Wang, Yabing
CHI-451 Special Readings  -  Wang, Yabing
COMP-101 Composition I  -  George, Janet A  -  Advantage
COMP-101 Composition I  -  Harrell, Sue E  -  Advantage
COMP-101 Composition I  -  Harrell, Sue E  -  Online
COMP-101 Composition I  -  McGriff, Shari  -  Online
COMP-101 Composition I  -  Morrow, Joy
COMP-101 Composition I  -  Song, K-Sun
COMP-101 Composition I  -  Work, Carrie
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Acree, Amanda J  -  Online
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Baker, Garnet M
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Dimiceli, Linda M
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Dunn, Anita K  -  Advantage
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Harrell, Richard T  -  Online
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Harrell, Sue E  -  Advantage
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Morrow, Joy
COMP-102 Composition II  -  STAFF  -  Advantage
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Smedley, Sherita H  -  Advantage
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Staggs, Jr, Donnie W
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Staggs, Jr, Donnie W
COMP-102 Composition II  -  Wood, Edith D
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Acree, Amanda J  -  Online
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Allen, Joann F
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Baker, Garnet M
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Farish, Leah W
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Gogan, Keith E
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Krohn, Laura S
COMP-303 Critical Reading and Writing  -  Law, Barbara F
ENG-310 World Literature  -  Epperson, William R
ENG-352 Major Writers: C.S. Lewis & In  -  Hall, Mark R
ENG-498 Senior Paper Research  -  Allen, Joann F
FRE-101 Elementary French I  -  Blanton, Maite  -  Advantage
FRE-102 Elementary French II  -  Blanton, Maite  -  Advantage
READ-099 Prep for College Reading  -  Wilson, Amanda J  -  Advantage
SPA-101 Elementary Spanish I  -  Abels, Jared P  -  Advantage
SPA-102 Elementary Spanish II  -  Abels, Jared P  -  Advantage
WRT-304 Structure of Modern English  -  Gray, Linda C
WRT-336 Technical Writing II  -  Gray, Linda C
WRT-355 Hist. of the English Language  -  Gray, Linda C
WRT-405 Literary Genres: Short Stories  -  Allen, Joann F
WRT-499 Senior Paper/Project  -  Allen, Joann F

University Policies and Procedures
  1. Students and faculty at Oral Roberts University must adhere to all laws addressing the ethical use of others’ materials, whether it is in the form of print, electronic, video, multimedia, or computer software. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating involve both lying and stealing and are violations of ORU’s Honor Code: “I will not cheat or plagiarize; I will do my own academic work and will not inappropriately collaborate with other students on assignments.” Plagiarism is usually defined as copying someone else’s ideas, words, or sentence structure and submitting them as one’s own. Other forms of academic dishonesty include (but are not limited to) the following:
    1. Submitting another’s work as one’s own or colluding with someone else and submitting that work as though it were his or hers;
    2. Failing to meet group assignment or project requirements while claiming to have done so;
    3. Failing to cite sources used in a paper;
    4. Creating results for experiments, observations, interviews, or projects that were not done;
    5. Receiving or giving unauthorized help on assignments.
    By submitting an assignment in any form, students give permission for the assignment to be checked for plagiarism, either by submitting the work for electronic verification or by other means. Penalties for any of the above infractions may result in disciplinary action, including failing the assignment, failing the course, or suspension from the University, as determined by the college and University disciplinary committees.
  2. By law, students are entitled to privacy regarding their records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended and available in the ORU University Catalog, sets forth requirements designed to protect the privacy of student education records. The law governs access to records maintained by educational institutions and the release of information from those records.