DANP-090 Mid-Year Evaluation  -  STAFF
DANP-090 Mid-Year Evaluation  -  Schneider, Christina J
DANP-100 Beginning Ballet  -  Pirtle, Chelsea L
DANP-102 Beg Dance Forms  -  Nelson, Leah S
DANP-103 Ballet I  -  Pirtle, Chelsea L
DANP-104 Modern Dance I  -  Stafford, Robbee L
DANP-105 Dance Forms I  -  Nelson, Leah S
DANP-106 Dance Seminar  -  Stafford, Robbee L
DANP-108 Improvisation II  -  Schneider, Christina J
DANP-109 Dance Ensemble  -  Schneider, Christina J
DANP-203 Ballet II  -  Pirtle, Chelsea L
DANP-204 Modern Dance II  -  Stafford, Robbee L
DANP-205 Dance Forms II  -  Nelson, Leah S
DANP-303 Ballet III  -  Ely, Hope T
DANP-304 Modern Dance III  -  Nirider, Tiffany R
DANP-305 Dance Forms III  -  Nelson, Leah S
DANP-307 Intermediate Choreography  -  Pirtle, Chelsea L
DANP-403 Ballet IV  -  Ely, Hope T
DANP-404 Modern Dance IV  -  Nirider, Tiffany R
DANP-420 Performing Arts Management  -  Jennings, Lia N
DANP-426 Dance Ped II:Teach Tech for SE  -  Schneider, Christina J
DANP-490 Senior Performance  -  Schneider, Christina J
DRAM-095 Perform/Portfolio Evaluation  -  Swiney, Norah M
DRAM-105 Theatre Laboratory  -  Mintle, Norman C
DRAM-105 Theatre Laboratory  -  Swiney, Norah M
DRAM-205 Acting I  -  Sanders Irish, Courtneay R
DRAM-210 Theatre History II  -  Swiney, Norah M
DRAM-215 Introduction to Theatre  -  Sanders Irish, Courtneay R
DRAM-303 Costume Design  -  Jennings, Lia N
DRAM-420 Performing Arts Management  -  Jennings, Lia N
DRAM-490 Design/Technology Practicum  -  Jennings, Lia N
DRAM-498 Senior Paper Preparation  -  Swiney, Norah M
MUS-001 Applied Music: Piano  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-001 Applied Music: Piano  -  Chung, Young-Eun
MUS-001 Applied Music: Piano  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-002 Applied Music: Organ  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-004 Applied Music: Voice  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-004 Applied Music: Voice  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-004 Applied Music: Voice  -  Gray, Lydia C
MUS-004 Applied Music: Voice  -  Quant, Robert S
MUS-005 Applied Music: Guitar  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-006 Applied Music: Harp  -  Barton, Lorelei K
MUS-007 Applied Music: Violin  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-008 Applied Music: Viola  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-009 Applied Music: Violoncello  -  Parker, Erica D
MUS-010 Applied Music: Drumset  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-011 Applied Music: Double Bass  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-011 Applied Music: Electric Bass  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-012 Applied Music: Flute  -  Thomas, Cherie N
MUS-013 Applied Music: Oboe  -  Weber, Kristin N
MUS-014 Applied Music: Clarinet  -  Foster, Christy D
MUS-015 Applied Music: Saxophone  -  Foster, Christy D
MUS-016 Applied Music: Bassoon  -  STAFF
MUS-017 Applied Music: French Horn  -  Haefner, Steven A
MUS-018 Applied Music: Trumpet  -  Luelf, Mark A
MUS-019 Applied Music: Trombone  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-020 Applied Music: Vocal Coaching  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-021 Applied Music: Baritone Horn  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-022 Applied Music: Tuba  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-023 Applied Music: Percussion  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-026 Applied Music: Piano  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-026 Applied Music: Piano  -  Chung, Young-Eun
MUS-026 Applied Music: Piano  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-027 Applied Music: Organ  -  STAFF
MUS-029 Applied Music: Voice  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-029 Applied Music: Voice  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-029 Applied Music: Voice  -  Gray, Lydia C
MUS-029 Applied Music: Voice  -  Quant, Robert S
MUS-031 Applied Music: Guitar  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-032 Applied Music: Harp  -  Barton, Lorelei K
MUS-033 Applied Music: Violin  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-034 Applied Music: Viola  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-035 Applied Music: Violoncello  -  Parker, Erica D
MUS-036 Applied Music: Double Bass  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-036 Applied Music: Electric Bass  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-037 Applied Music: Flute  -  Thomas, Cherie N
MUS-038 Applied Music: Oboe  -  Weber, Kristin N
MUS-039 Applied Music: Clarinet  -  Foster, Christy D
MUS-040 Applied Music: Saxophone  -  Foster, Christy D
MUS-041 Applied Music: Bassoon  -  STAFF
MUS-042 Applied Music: French Horn  -  Haefner, Steven A
MUS-043 Applied Music: Trumpet  -  Luelf, Mark A
MUS-044 Applied Music: Trombone  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-045 Applied Music: Baritone Horn  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-046 Applied Music: Tuba  -  Haapanen, Brian E
MUS-047 Applied Music: Percussion  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-049 Applied Music: Audio Wkstn  -  Song, Jung J
MUS-049 Applied Music: Audio Wrkstn  -  Achivare Vallejos, Pablo
MUS-049 Applied Music: Audio Wrkstn  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-050 Applied Music: Drumset  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-061 Chamber Singers  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-063 University Chorale  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-065 Orchestra  -  Suzano Jr, Armenio Z
MUS-073 Opera Theatre  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-079 Music Production Ensemble  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-080 Guitar Ensemble  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-085 Vocal Ensemble  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-086 Jazz Combo  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-089 Contemp Music Ministry Ens  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-098 Worship Lab  -  Higgs, Braden L
MUS-099 Music Seminar  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-100 Fundamentals of Music  -  Quant, Robert S
MUS-102 Harmony II (Test Out)  -  STAFF
MUS-102 Harmony II  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-104 Sight/Ear Training II-Test-out  -  STAFF
MUS-104 Sightsinging & Ear Train II  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-105 Intro to Music Production  -  Higgs, Braden L
MUS-106 Intermediate Music Production  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-124 Preparatory Class Piano  -  Chung, Young-Eun
MUS-125 Class Piano I  -  Chung, Young-Eun
MUS-126 Class Piano II  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-127 Class Piano III  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-130 Music Appreciation  -  Lim, Hayoung A
MUS-131 Class Voice  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-135 Class Guitar I  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-160 Live Sound  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-165 Lights/Projection for Music  -  Moore, John T
MUS-202 Harmony IV  -  Walker, Vicki L
MUS-206 History/Lit of Music II  -  Suzano Jr, Armenio Z
MUS-208 Music in World Cultures  -  Suzano Jr, Armenio Z
MUS-242 Diction for Singers  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-245 Live Worship Music Technology  -  Higgs, Braden L
MUS-309 Biblical Found. of Worship  -  Mintle, Norman C
MUS-313 Digital Audio Workstation  -  Song, Jung J
MUS-320 Songwriting and Arranging  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-333 Conducting I  -  Quant, Robert S
MUS-342 Woodwind Instruments  -  Suzano Jr, Armenio Z
MUS-381 Sound Stage Recording  -  Song, Jung J
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Barton, Lorelei K
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Dehner, David A
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Eiler, Steven C
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Foster, Christy D
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Gray, Lydia C
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Haefner, Steven A
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Luelf, Mark A
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Parker, Erica D
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Quant, Robert S
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Smith, Robin H
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-399 Junior Recital  -  Weber, Kristin N
MUS-420 Worship Internship  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Eiler, Michelle R
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Luelf, Mark A
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Parker, Erica D
MUS-421 Senior Recital  -  Smith, Roy S
MUS-451 Worship Ministry Leadership  -  Brown, Christopher A
MUS-460 Professional Touring  -  McCoy, Jeffrey S
MUS-493 Music Prod. Capstone Project  -  Song, Jung J
MUS-499 Senior Project/Paper  -  Lim, Hayoung A
MUS-499 Senior Project/Paper  -  Quant, Robert S
MUT-203 Psychology of Music  -  Lim, Hayoung A
MUT-256 Inst Skills in Music Therapy  -  Lim, Hayoung A
MUT-353 Music Therapy II: Geriatric  -  Lim, Hayoung A
MUT-356 Clinical II: Geriatric  -  Lim, Hayoung A
PRFM-100 Piano Proficiency  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
PRFM-101 Music Vocabulary  -  Bridgman, Joyce M
PRFM-102 Guitar Proficiency  -  Brown, Christopher A
TDVA-453 Directed Study & Research  -  Sanders Irish, Courtneay R
TVF-123 Creating Entertainment  -  Mintle, Norman C
TVF-132 Field Production  -  Holt, Christopher L
TVF-133 Production Software  -  Ray, David N
TVF-216 Workshop: TV Production  -  Ray, David N
TVF-287 Film Directing & Producing  -  Barreiro, Rafael O
TVF-314 Media Operations  -  Holt, Christopher L
TVF-316 Workshop:Production Experience  -  Barreiro, Rafael O
TVF-317 Film Analysis & Worldview  -  Mintle, Norman C
TVF-318 Fundamentals of Screenwriting  -  Ray, David N
TVF-455 Advanced Filmmaking  -  Barreiro, Rafael O
TVF-477 Production House  -  Barreiro, Rafael O
TVF-499 Senior Research Project  -  Ray, David N

University Policies and Procedures
  1. Students and faculty at Oral Roberts University must adhere to all laws addressing the ethical use of others’ materials, whether it is in the form of print, electronic, video, multimedia, or computer software. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating involve both lying and stealing and are violations of ORU’s Honor Code: “I will not cheat or plagiarize; I will do my own academic work and will not inappropriately collaborate with other students on assignments.” Plagiarism is usually defined as copying someone else’s ideas, words, or sentence structure and submitting them as one’s own. Other forms of academic dishonesty include (but are not limited to) the following:
    1. Submitting another’s work as one’s own or colluding with someone else and submitting that work as though it were his or hers;
    2. Failing to meet group assignment or project requirements while claiming to have done so;
    3. Failing to cite sources used in a paper;
    4. Creating results for experiments, observations, interviews, or projects that were not done;
    5. Receiving or giving unauthorized help on assignments.
    By submitting an assignment in any form, students give permission for the assignment to be checked for plagiarism, either by submitting the work for electronic verification or by other means. Penalties for any of the above infractions may result in disciplinary action, including failing the assignment, failing the course, or suspension from the University, as determined by the college and University disciplinary committees.
  2. By law, students are entitled to privacy regarding their records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended and available in the ORU University Catalog, sets forth requirements designed to protect the privacy of student education records. The law governs access to records maintained by educational institutions and the release of information from those records.